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Astronome amateur Chroniqueur

Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2007 Messages: 315 Localisation: Gatineau Quebec Canada
Posté le: Ven 30 Mar 2007 5:03 pm Sujet du message: Avis |
Space Weather News for March 30, 2007
ASTEROID FLYBY: Asteroid 2006 VV2 is about to fly past Earth. Tonight, March 30th, the 2 km-wide space rock will streak through the constellation Leo only 2 million miles away glowing like a 10th magnitude star. Although the asteroid will not be visible to the unaided eye, it should be an easy target for backyard telescopes equipped with CCD cameras. A movie of 2006 VV2 flying past spiral galaxy M81, featured on today's edition of http://Spaceweather.com, shows what a small telescope can accomplish. The Americas are favored for tonight's flyby, especially southern California where 2006 VV2 will glide almost directly overhead at the moment of closest approach around 11 pm PDT.
Note: There is no danger of a collision. At a distance of 2 million miles, the asteroid will be almost 9 times farther away than the Moon. The encounter is interesting because it affords astronomers an opportunity to study a large near-Earth asteroid at fairly close range. Many professional observatories will be taking data, including NASA radars, which will ping 2006 VV2 to refine its orbit and learn more about its shape and composition. Learn more at http://spaceweather.com .
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Xena Chroniqueur
Inscrit le: 23 Jan 2007 Messages: 53 Localisation: st-térese
Posté le: Sam 31 Mar 2007 9:27 pm Sujet du message: |
Pouvez-vous traduire svp, je ne comprend rien en anglais
Merci pour votre partience
bye, bye |
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Astronome amateur Chroniqueur

Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2007 Messages: 315 Localisation: Gatineau Quebec Canada
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André administrateur

Inscrit le: 07 Jan 2007 Messages: 11030 Localisation: Montreal 45.500°N, 73.580°W
Posté le: Lun 02 Avr 2007 1:29 pm Sujet du message: |
SAlut a tous
ca doit etre assez dur pareil de reperer un tel objets
amicalement _________________ Etrange époque où il est plus facile de désintégrer l' atome que de vaincre un préjugé.
Einstein, Albert, |
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